Dr. God asks: Are you suffering with EBS?
EBS is Elder Brother Syndrome.
This is an insidious and occasionally terminal condition that is deeply hidden, cleverly camouflaged, and frequently misdiagnosed.
The syndrome creates severe hardening of the heart and increased resistance or rejection of the relentless tenderness of God.
While there are various environmental and genetic factors that may contribute to its formation, it typically manifests as unexpressed resentment and frozen anger.
Generally, the sufferer is uncertain of its origin or genesis (or that they have this syndrome) and so will self-describe the episodes as simply 'righteous anger.' **
Evidence suggests that onset occurs when the patient is exposed to an event(s) wherein God is seen as 'blessing or favoring' others who are not as faithful, disciplined, dependable, or theologically correct as the patient.
Victims of this syndrome specifically note tension in the abdominal cavity or upper respiratory chamber triggered when others readily succeed in the field or area where the patient has likewise worked, often tirelessly and faithfully but without similar results.
For more information about this dangerous condition and the context of it's incubation, exposure and its cure, please see the information session video link below.
(Additional reading can also be found in the Physician's Notebook, written by Dr. Luke - Chapter 15.)
Potential positive prognosis:
Oddly, it should be noted that far from incurable, diagnosis, treatment and cure of this ailment is a REQUIRED precursor to function fully as The Physician's assistant. (The healing process makes the patient a potent carrier of the cure.)
(** Clinical investigation has revealed that the actual composition of these episodes are only 2% 'righteous' and 98% anger.)
Full replay of the Deck, 'My Two (Lost) Sons,' click here.
A reference book for this teaching can be purchased via Amazon: The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Henri Nouwen.
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