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Even so....I KNOW...! Dealing with the 'GAPS' that gore you

Two key takeaways from last night, "coincidentally" on the Day of Ascension.

One: Most believers don't understand or walk in the FULL work of Jesus.

That work includes critical pieces linked to His Ascension.

When Jesus joined the ranks of the 'Airborne' He added a whole new level of necessary weaponry for your battle.

​Do you know those and is your life altered accordingly?

Two: Right now we're in an interesting time that I call, The Gap.

Jesus goes 'Airborne' 40 days post-Passover but the Power from on high does not fall til 50: A 10 day gap. What to do, what to do?

The disciples do just fine in that gap, like waiting for the proverbial shoe to fall.

Sometimes with us....ah, not so good.

Usually no problem for 10 days. But what about 10 months or 10 years?

Are you in the midst of 'gaps' between what was and what will be? How you dealing with those?

John 11 shows the trauma of dealing with gaps that occur. Not just gaps in the experienced Presence of God, but gaps due to times delayed and in what He meant v. what we heard. (THAT'S a huge issue.)

For anyone who has struggled over a promise that did not materialize in the time and manner you were certain it would, the second part of the replay is for you.

In the drama of John 11, Martha really does 'rock.'

Despite overwhelming confusion, disappointment, anger and grief, she releases a phrase fundamental to our spoken arsenal:

"Even so.......I KNOW..."

Learn from Martha. Take up all the weapons He's provided and advance.


PS: Remember that the FIRE of Pentecost is coming!

Full replay of the teaching, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available

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