Activate a Culture of Honor

The Deck was a whole lotta fun on last night. Food was fabulous, laughter contagious and company bodacious. And then the Spirit of God powered the worship...Even better! When we honor God in praise and He honors us by Presence, it attains an atmosphere we engage, enjoy, and extend. And so in that 'air' many arose to acknowledge Kim last night.

She is known by the King as both watchful warrior and beloved daughter, but this was no easy task for her. Yet while work for her, it was wonderful for us. Why? First of all, because a culture of honor is our ground zero and each story stood witness how Kim honors others. And secondly, to be blunt, because God has rigged the system that way. 'Honor your father and mother that your days may be long in the land...' is the first command with a carrot. So, yes, while it might benefit another when we honor them, it DEFINITELY benefits us. Watch the replay. Hear the heartbeat. Be encouraged how God has graced a willing vessel. Then, perhaps, follow the Goose, send a note or make a call to honor another. It may encourage them but, regardless, it's all upside for you. Stephen Replay of the Deck, click here.