Enter the New Decade Through the Power of Ten

Overlay our cultural calendar with God's and we enter this new decade through the door frame of His 10th month. So what? Well, maybe, just maybe - God would have us attend to the power of 10 in scripture so that we align in time with Him. For the risk and reward of the purpose of 10 is it's power to propel you to promotion or penalty. Does that have your attention now?

You see, Esther and Daniel, servants and spies, lepers and lasses - all experienced the sifting and sorting and the fruit that followed. The lesson learned from every encounter is unique but each will apply to our lives, sooner or later.

The commonality? People and things are assessed - tested - outcomes measured and trajectories are forever altered. But for those saturated by His Grace and Spirit, the test is never something to fear, but rather to welcome. It is a means to His end: His desire that you enter into the fullness of His rewards, now and forever.

Got test-anxiety? Take heart with this case in point. The 10th tribe is Dan and the most famous of the line is Samson.... Yeah, really. Quite the stellar example of refined character, deep spirituality and overall godliness....ahem. (Have you read Judges 13-16? Clearly my Sunday school teacher decided we should skip most of that narrative.) Yet there he is in Hebrews 11, fully ensconced with glory in the Hall of Fame and Faith. God's Grace is a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

So why would God bring these up now, at the beginning of a 10 year cycle? The stakes have gone up: We need to be promoted to operate well. Since each of us is unique, God will draw us through differently - But He WILL draw us through. Watch the replay. Understand the power and the purpose of 10. Then allow the Spirit to show you areas where promotion waits on you. No need to fear the weighing: You're on God's side and His thumb is on the scale. Stephen Replay of teaching, here.