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A Month to Embrace Disruptive Truth

It was in this 9th biblical month that Nehemiah, the wine bearer, and Mary, the backwater teen, had visitations.

Neither expected some life-altering encounter yet what broke in was not 'an inconvenient truth' but Disruptive Truth that changed everything.

Hmmm... 'tis the season.

And yet, there is always the contingency of response.

In this same month, when The Disruptive Truth clashed in the colonnade, they rejected and resolved to stone Him. (John 10)

So also, when Jeremiah's word warred with the comfort of that culture, the king set it ablaze and set out to kill him.

And as for us...? When God visits us this month with Truth that is not merely inconvenient but downright disruptive, how will we respond?

Reject or receive but do not be coy: For what He implants, He watches over.

Nehemiah received a burden that wrecked him: He responded in tears, confession, repentance, and intercession.

But it did not end: It grew.

It was months later when he began to 'show' in the presence of the king and that 'birthed' his new identity and role

Mary's disruptive shift from tiny town teen to mother of the Messiah was not instant, but it was forever.

They embraced what God implanted this month.

And you - do you want a visitation? Really?

Then ask and watch.

Have no fear to embrace what He sets in place.

It will be delightfully disruptive.


Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.


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