Strategies To Move Into Your New Portion

Wow! Penny rocked the room at the Deck!
God has been downloading powerful insights and encouragement for this very time and last night she let it loose.
Let me just sprinkle a few tidbits and slides as a way of encouraging you to watch the replay.

God has set a new portion before you that is beyond what you thought or have seen before. And He has given strategies to walk into that portion.
One of those, the breaker anointing is pivotal but note that, in this season, it is working in tandem with an anointing to build. Understanding this dynamic is critical.

Alliances are also key - God is moving to break and change some; to build and expand others.
You must find your right alignment to be rightly positioned for your new portion.

God is attending to hidden access points that need to be addressed. Removing any 'squirrels in the attic' may even require that you make structural (costly) changes.
This is no time to tolerate the 'little foxes' (;small sins,') that resist and disrupt the fruitfulness He has for you.

This is a season of powerful angelic assistance. This is not presumptuous, just promised.
You are not alone in the work before you. Don't act like it.
God has been speaking to many about new identity, but some have yet to be at peace in accepting what He is saying.
Be at PEACE in your new identity - it is for your new portion.
There were many other important takeaways from last night. Even if you caught Penny last night, you'll want to watch the replay to grasp all that was released.
Remember: We are in a 'latter glory' dynamic now. Don't let current appearances confuse you.
He's moving powerfully and He is watching for those who will move in agreement with Him.
Replay of this teaching on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.