​The Freedom Outpost
A new model for the followers of Jesus...
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Time for a new model - a new strategy

USN photo by Dylan McCord. Public domain.
There's an odd thing that happens when people who are trying to follow Jesus get together. It quickly begins to look and sound like the cultural 'church' they've been around all their lives. For many that is fine.
But for us...we were hungry for something new, fresh, more lively and alive. So we started this.
We didn't want to build some thing - we simply wanted people to get what they need so they could fulfill the design God imprinted upon them. To see them free from old baggage and limited understanding of life and faith and the battle they're in. A place where they could understand how God is moving in the world and in them in this time and season and re-sync in His timing. All this, so they can go back to their assigned places and positively impact them with life and light.
We were walking that out and trying to define it when a friend said to me, 'You know, you're not like a traditional church - you're more like an aircraft carrier. People fly in and get what they need for their mission and then they fly back out into their assigned spheres.'
My brain exploded and my heart leapt at the truth of this new model. In the images below you'll see the basics of how we think this works. We do most things that a 'church' would do but we have a different way of seeing ourselves and how God wants us to operate.
By the way...we don't have issues with how others gather: It's just not how we're supposed to move forward.
Put your cursor over each picture for more details. Hit the button on the bottom of the page if you want to go deeper.

Life is crazy out there. You need a place where you can be open, honest and real and get encouragement and hope for all the changes in front of you. This is such a place. The Flight Deck is open for landing but it's your decision to set down and get what you need. But remember - this is an aircraft carrier and so it is also on the move just as you are. We keep pressing into the new things that God has for us.

Life is a great and wild adventure but you need to be refueled to keep pressing on. We want to see you get the kind of fuel that'll keep you going strong all week long. We provide an environment that moves forward in hope and encouragement - and this comes right from the hand and the Word of God. It's high octane - just what you need to get where you're going.

We're in a spiritual battle that requires spiritual weaponry. But strategies and tactics continue to shift. We come against those forces that are determined to kill, steal and destroy and we teach and train you to get ahead of the plans set against you. We want you rearmed so that you go in knowing who you are and what God is directing you to do.

No pilot takes off without knowing the weather conditions, status of their mission and intel on the situation. Why should you? We want you to understand these things as they are laid out in the Word. Jesus said we have to discern the times and seasons so 'know before you go.'

All of us have a mission out there. Landing here to get what you need is critical but you're needed 'out there' in the fight. Land here to get what you need and then launch back into where God has established your assignment. You do that by taking what you've learned and what you've been given and then moving in that - making it real - in your sphere of influence.

An 'Open Comm' means we keep communication open throughout the week and in your assignment. We were never made to go it alone in life. Every pilot has a wingman. Here we want you to find and connect with new allies for your life, work, walk and calling.