Slow Your Core to the Speed of LIGHT
The faster life spins around us, the more we must slow our core  to the speed of Light. His Light  in us is not hurried but aligned to...

Critical Keys for Your Messy Middle
In this 11th month, God released Word to help His people break through the discouragement, frustration, and inertia of their messy...

The Holy Ground of The Messy Middle
Courtesy psycho sibling rivalry, Joseph takes a 13-year journey through the messy middle. With the betrayal of Judas, the 11 endure the...

Let Him OUT!
It ticks me off how we believe the lies of the enemy about who we are, what is ours, and what we carry.  One reason those attacks are so...

Harvest Field Barrier: Siege Warfare
The goal of siege warfare  is to isolate the target and then wear them down. Most of us have experienced that, but we don't recognize...

2025: Weighed in the Balance
What an awesome celebration we had last night! We welcomed in the first of the New Year AND  the first of the tenth biblical month -...

Got Oil to Burn? Yes!
We're in the Feast of Lights  ( Hanukkah ) and it forms a bridge into the New Year and the tenth biblical month. It's the celebration...

Breakthrough at Day Break: What's Holding You Back?
We know well the story of Jacob wrestling with The Angel  in Genesis.  What we miss is  all that shifted and changed at daybreak. The...

Strength Rising from Sorrow's Soil
Biblically, this 9th month called Kislev  has a whole lot of clashing, contrasts, and confrontations going on. One case in point: It's...

Kingdom Coin: Is Your Tribe Also a Troop?
Some things in the Kingdom of God are like the two sides of a coin: Inseparable but reflecting different aspects of one reality. Jesus...