LEAP to ALIGN for THIS Time!

Yesterday was Leap Day in a Leap Year - our cultural calendar's attempt to get us to sync up in time.
But we're also in a Leap Year in the Hebraic calendar: What divine sync up has He got in mind?

Last night Penny Gibbs released a prophetic boatload of downloads to help us make this LEAP.
Indeed, she showed us how God uses the dynamic of leap-time to extend natural-time so we can accomplish His mission.

Use this time to break loose from restrictions placed upon you by past words in past seasons - words that were for that time, but the new is upon you.
And do not minimize the powerful gift that operates in your life for "the gift can overcome more than you are allowing it to overcome."

There's much, much more so you'll want to catch this replay for the great nuggets of revelation.
(You'll particularly enjoy hearing about Delores, the dangerous and delightful bus driver.)
We need this revelation to make the shift He has set before us so we can LEAP to ALIGN for THIS Time.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.