The Firebrand Anointing
Most think Levitical priests as rather religious, removed, and nonviolent: Better suited to intellectual debate than full frontal...
We MUST Be Packing This Weapon
I love how creative God is when He communicates. When in a vision of the armory, He showed a rubber ducky to Penny Gibbs, it caught her...
Camouflaged Counterfeit Gods & the War for Your Worship
The war for the worship of the people of God is a perennial dogfight brought front and center this month via the debacle of the golden...
SPEAK!!! You Have the Authority
Last night Jeanne Webb released a critical word for this critical time. As battle has intensified, we must be ever watchful that what we...
We NEED This 3-Fold Anointing
There's real danger or opportunity in the kind of mental/physical 'space' where a Body gathers: That perceived structure directly impacts...