'I AM Father' - The Requisite Heart for Any Legacy

There is a core craving in the earth for true-father and mother hearts. A void that longs for this essence of God. Tragic that those true-hearts seem so scattered and scarce. Yet now we stand to call them forth. The time is short and the need pressing.

Two touch points: First, Mordecai's true-father heart. Hallmarks? Raise and release. Counsel and confront. Advise and advocate. And recall this: No Mordecai; no Esther. No Esther; genocide. Who waits for you out there and what will come if you are absent?

Touch point two on the true-heart: The prodigal's poppa. Hallmarks? Raise and release - even when rejected. Remain hopeful so to watch and wait and wait some more. Plan the party while they have yet to wake from their narcissistic nightmare. A true-heart may manifest as stillness itself but in motion it is stunning, steady, and strategic.

Where are these men and women and are they relevant? Dutch Sheet's daughter, Hannah, is certain of it. Six months ago she released a compelling word that continues to churn my mind. We need meet this hunger for heart or trigger the curse of Malachi 4. (Excerpt on replay.)

Afraid you just don't have this heart? Good news: You can get it because it IS Him. I heard this yesterday as I was in prep: "I am Father. Not ‘the’ Father. I AM Father. It is the core of Who I AM and how I move." His manner of heart needs become our heart. Deep to deep. Core to core. It's possible. You've seen a handful of authentic and accessible saints who embody this. You know them by what happens within you in their presence for they call up a glory of God from some hidden place in your soul. They choose and challenge, confront and comfort, champion and change you.

Jim and Helen have embodied this true heart with us for years. In the 2nd half of The Deck (separate replay) we honored them by simply opening the floor. It was a remarkable time. A demonstration of a legacy not sought, but created in the wake of living and walking out Father's Heart. And you: Want an enduring legacy? Go to I AM Father and request the fullness of the heart-transplant He already paid for. The world is dying to see you reveal it. Stephen Replay of teaching, click here. Then replay of the legacy and launch of Jim and Helen, click here.
To view all of Hannah Dutch's message, go to GZI TV.