'All David Needed Was a Rock'
This month is linked to the end of some things and the beginning of others. That order is important. For we must allow the old to die in...

Don't Let Your New Beginning Be REC'D (Wrecked)
God is unequivocal about His part in new beginnings: Behold, I Am doing a new thing; NOW it springs forth! Do you not perceive it? Isa....

Behold! He Makes All Things New! (Even You)
We love the thought of a new beginning like a mighty seedling rising up fresh, dripped in dew, and bathed by the sun. Less so, the...

It's Time: Get Your Joy Jolt to Power Up
What an awesome celebration we had last night as we walked out the heart and core of the Feast of Tabernacles. Yes, indeed, there was an...