So you THINK you know the Power of Covenant? Not likely, not yet...

I'm a lifelong student of scripture, a prophetic teacher, seminary grad with a Hebraic heart-set and a daily spelunker into the richness of God's Word. Reasonable assumption that I would know more than enough about 'Covenant.' Yeah...well, last night God dropped all of us into deeper waters by the hand of Ruthie Young. Now, I had read and appreciated her new book, The Covenant Keeper, but last night there was a texture and a tenor I had yet received: An impartation and an imprint through the authentic voice of the Shepherd. That is rare. There are many things we grasp with our minds but then there's deep heart-knowledge intimacy where it vibrates in your bones and informs every breath. This was that.

We've thoroughly enjoyed Ruthie before but last night was another level. Not a lecture. Not a sermon. More like a holy transaction. Sorry if you were not here but the replay is on line. Yes, it is long and yes, you will thank me once you take it in - in entirety. We live in a world culture where everything is on a contract basis. But your REAL LIFE, your true LIFE is based on Covenant. Once the immensity of that difference grabs you by the short hairs, the balance of your days on the earth will shift. Stephen Full replay, click here. You WILL want to get a copy of Ruthie's book The Covenant Keeper. Amazon has them. More on Ruthie and Billy Joe Young and their work for the Kingdom: Repairers of the Breach.