Your Battlefield Ready Checklist
Unlike large parts of the church, you know you're in a war both within and without. You also know that it must be engaged with the right...

The Promises of God Are Going to the Dogs
God is calling up the Company of Calebs.  Those of a different  spirit with whole  hearts, right perspectives , and the tenacity...

From Old Heart to New Wineskin
God is pouring out new wine... NOW! But He requires new wineskins to hold it. Old wineskins cannot stretch, yield, or expand with the...

To Enter the Promise - Mind Your Faith-Focus
Many believers are full of joy and confidence while focused in worship and then move into stress, anxiety, and fear when the focus shifts...

Power THROUGH Your Narrows
A fighter pilot strolling around has a whole lot of freedom of movement, but very little power. Yet when she's crammed into the narrow...