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To Enter the Promise - Mind Your Faith-Focus

Many believers are full of joy and confidence while focused in worship and then move into stress, anxiety, and fear when the focus shifts to personal or national circumstances. 

We are, effectively bipolar believers for faith is at work in both situations: For faith is 'the conviction of things not seen.'

When fixated on the problem, that faith-focus manifests as fear.  

When fixed on the Promise and the Promiserthat faith-focus manifests as hope and confidence. 

This 5th biblical month is when Israel was commanded but refused to cross into the Promise.  

The majority opinion of the ten fixed faith on the giants while the minority report on the Promiser.  

Where is your fixation - your dominant thought and the resulting emotional state?    

Rightly focused faith is not denial about the size, scope, danger, and challenge of our 'giants.' 

We understand the stakes but we keep our eyes on the prize (promise) and the One Who Is with us and in us.  

The object of mustard seed faith will move the mountain or make the mountain so big that it will not be moved.

It's a question of focus - On the mountain or on the Mover.  

And since 'faith comes by hearing,' beware of any majority opinions you ingest.  

Rather, allow the minority report to fill you so that out of the fulness of that heart your mouth will speak.

This month Israel was scheduled to cross into the Promise but their faith had the wrong focus. 

Resolve yours to be like Josh and Caleb so you can declare that your giants are become jelly rolls and you will consume them.


Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook


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