Don't Let Your New Beginning Be REC'D (Wrecked)

God is unequivocal about His part in new beginnings:
Behold, I Am doing a new thing;
NOW it springs forth!
Do you not perceive it? Isa. 49
Our part is whether we perceive and agree with Him on the new thing He's springing up.
And that can be a challenge.

For our new beginnings are springing up in the midst of the blur of the war that surrounds us.
Yet the greatest danger is not the war around - It's the resistance within.

Last night at the Deck, we took a deeper dive into four factors that form resistance: Resentment, Entitlement, Comfort, and Distraction.
Scripture is full of examples where people missed their new beginnings because of one or more of these.

When hard things hit, it can be easy for us to miss the opportunity because of these unseen and unresolved landmines planted within.
And yet scripture also show us that...
David knew how to keep from resentment and entitlement.
Nehemiah knew how to shut down the distractions.
And Mary knew how to discern the best from what was simply good.

You are on God's mind today - He is springing forth something new.
Can you perceive it? Receive it? Agree with it?
Identify any R. E. C. D. that are creating resistance and blur within.
Then repent, renounce, and clean house.
Align with His design for this time so you can receive your new beginning,
Replay of this Deck teaching on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.