Know These 10 Rules for Your Battle

Clear, concise, and important word released by Jeanne Webb at The Deck last night.
She presented 10 rules of engagement to guide us in the fights we all face.

Rules that can save us from a world of hurt and confusion if we will but keep them before us.
Drawn from A & E's bungled encounter with the serpent and other key scriptures, we see how dangerous it is to entertain any deviation from Truth and how imperative it is that we keep our eyes laser focused on our Commander.

Watch the replay. Print out the list of the 10 Rules. Make them part of your thought process.
We are all experiencing the increase in warfare: Increase your discernment and discipline so you win the fight.
As this great song says,
I’m fighting a battle
You’ve already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome!*
Reminder: NO FLIGHT DECK next week. We're on shore leave.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.
* You’ve Already Won by Bryan Fowler and Shane Barnard © 2022 Be Essential Songs