Pentecost Fire & Wind... NOW!

Wow! Great night at the Deck! Spirit of God moving - honoring the celebration of Pentecost.
His Wind and Fire bringing strength to the Body - to prepare us for the battle ahead.

Prophet Penny Gibbs brought a critical, no-holds barred, direct, and important word.
The Lord had brought to her mind a scene from the movie Act of Valor * and said He was 'coming in hot.'

We've entered a critical time when, just like a SEAL team, each member of the family/war unit must perform their part of the mission.
You're not even required to like your other team members - but you will end up loving those who have your back and whose back you have.
Watch the replay. Allow the Lord to stir you.
You have a place and role in this fight.
If not with this tribe, then with another. But be sure to find your place and fulfill your mission.
Pentecost Fire and Wind are NOW and He's coming in HOT!
* Movie clip may be too intense for some. You're adults (well... mostly) - you decide.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.