Wake Up!!! The Countdown Is On!

We are now in God's 6th month and the daily wake up call to prepare for His new year and the power of the Fall feasts.
It's a countdown that builds expectation and gives us a preflight checklist so we're ready.

Like a shuttle launch, countdowns and checklists are critical when great power is released in order to reach a specific place at an exact time.
The shift into next year involves those very things - great power to get us to a specific place at an exact time.

Last night at The Deck, we walked through the scriptures that are time stamped by this month.
We looked to see how each indicates another preflight check for us to do during this month.

These scriptures are rich in encouragement and correction to assure that we are fully aligned and on course for what's ahead.
But, as in so many things, the Lord leaves it to us to bring those areas to Him so they are addressed and resolved.

Set your focus right: Hear the sound of the shofar and come fully alert and alive each day.
Walk through the scriptures and the checks He shows you.
The King IS in your field so go meet Him.
Allow Him to make you ready for all that lies just ahead.
The countdown is ON for your launch into the next season.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.