YOUR New Walk & Authority for the Issachar Anointing

Powerful word from Penny Gibbs last night. And so VERY timely.
For we are in God's second month - linked to Issachar and the anointing to discern time and know what to do.

And it is In this time that God is giving us a new walk.
This new walk has the pace, confidence, focus, and fearlessness of The Lion.

And because of that we cannot continue to move as we did in last season - It's NEW!
With that new walk comes new authority to do ALL the works of Kingdom, just as He did.

As we receive this walk and authority we then rightly discern the timing of breakthrough.
Breakthrough as we have never seen before.
Breakthrough that is appointed for this NOW moment as we align, discern, and move as Issachar.
Intrigued? You should be. There is much, much more on the replay.
This is an important word for we all need to move in the FULNESS of the Issachar anointing.
Watch. Learn. Receive. And then walk in ALL YOUR new.
The NOW of God is waiting on you.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.