Your Response When God Is Late

When God is late, how do you respond?
Some grow passive and resigned; Some, angry and frenetic; Some, get busy and make a plan.

The rightness of your response is so often driven by the company you keep - whether you are in the Presence in the Cloud or in the pressure with the crowd.
That crowd is less about other people and more about the crowd of thoughts and voices that swirl within you.

The biblical month we've entered pivots around a perceived delay and the subsequent response of two leaders in two locations.
Both had encountered and demonstrated the authentic power of God... r e p e a t e d l y.
Yet one stayed soaked by God - the other was provoked by the mob.

Their actions proceeded accordingly and 3,000 died that day.
Simply stated - What they beheld - they became.
As do we.

Watch the replay. Mind where your mind lounges and lingers and what you behold.
In this 4th month of strategic decisions, choose to keep your head in the Cloud, even when you're in a crowd.
Replay of this Deck teaching on YouTube.
Replay of the worship and first part of teaching on Facebook. (Internet went down part way.)
PS: We had the privilege to baptize two young men last night after the Deck, Reuben and Lucas. The Lord had 'arranged' for them to show up at Abigail's house on Monday night, while Natalie, Victoria, and Nan were meeting with the Lord. The Father moved on them and they came into Life with Jesus and the fullness of the Spirit. Go God! Please keep them in prayer as they live for King and Kingdom.
