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New gates opening: Use your 'Full Access Pass'

This IS a year of GATES into fresh starts.

Tonight at sundown we enter through a foundational one called the Day of Atonement.

Maybe it's not on your calendar, but it remains on God's. (Lev. 16)

It stands as a transactional reminder for us about the Otherness of God and the Price of Presence.

A time when we re-engage the reality of Jesus as both Sacrifice AND Scapegoat to sustain our relationship.

Jesus did more than give us a 'get out of jail free card.' He gave us a 'full access pass.'

The fact remains that most believers live like there's only one dimension and not the other.

​​The Day of Atonement is a graphic reminder that to live in the tangible Presence of The Holy God is dynamic...AND dangerous.

Close, Compassionate, Compelling...yet so very Other that it is only by the Blood we survive and thrive in deep connection to Him.

​The work of Jesus is indeed complete.

Honor that and actively access the gate into the Holy of Holies.

Risk that level of Life He offers. Make use of the full access pass He's provided.

This year is about LIFE!

But you'll need to lay hold of THAT which has laid hold of you.


PS: Last night we released a boatload of critical revelation about this new year: Keys to HOW you can walk through the new gates before you.

Check out the replay, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available.

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