IMPRINT not impartation

God's restoration process for each person is through a life flow to unpack and react to the glory DNA set within you.
As we come into that freedom, then The Body will become vibrant....again.
Not because we conform as carbon copy knock offs but because we're distinctively and divinely different.
God has forged a 'flow' by His Spirit that comes when we align.

Some just wrap around the edges - a grab and go mentality.
Want more? Choose to plug in.
There's a three-fold cord that creates a pattern of flow that moves both ways.
Relationship. Revelation. Resource.

Current culture craves instant impartation - God offers an incessant imprint.
Yes, you can connect in only one dimension or two but the flow rate is phenomenal when all three are in place.
The restoration of alignment that God has loosed in the earth creates connection without control.
It is hosted on honor and freedom, not fostered through fear and hierarchy.

God does have an aligned order but be mindful of His methods should you aspire to more: The way up is always down.
As the spine is aligned there's a flexibility in the flow.
The sound of a dance is in the air: Time to join Him there.
Full replay of Deck teaching, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available.