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To the wounded and wandering: The King is calling you by name.

Many have walked off the battlefield and headed for the woods.

Wounded and weary, alone and isolated - unwittingly they wander where the wolf hunts the hungry and harried.

But the sound has gone out: The call of the King to return and be restored.

He has laid out His table and arrayed it as a feast with friends; food and drink for body, soul and spirit.

Two facts inform these fields of battle - meant to encourage AWOL wanderers and our own stretched spirits:

1. These battlefields are not random ranges of foreign soil: They are our inheritance.

Promised lands occupied by the common enemy and foe of our souls.

2. God presents the banquet at the base of the enemy camp.

David captured it in his best known song: 'You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.'

Crazy place for a picnic? Absolutely.

Unless you catch Caleb's conviction: "Do not be afraid - they have become our bread."

​You want the goods reserved for you?

Come and get 'em.

True enough, it's about His power, His authority, and His strength, not your own.

But make no mistake: It involves your will, your risk, and your trust to do as He directs.

It requires the willingness to enter the battle along with Him who is already the Captain on your field.

Face all the facts.

The Goliath you face is no less threatening or real than the one that David defied.

Yours also is no less divinely vulnerable to the small, smooth stone that was flung in faith.


There's a banquet on the battlefield or the wolf in the woods. Choose well and never alone.

On your return, take the hand of those you met while in the outback.

Simply tell them, 'The King is calling you by name.'


Full replay with much more revelation from The Deck teaching, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available

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