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Make the Demand: Be Fierce and Fit for Battle

This 6th biblical month is linked to the tribe of Gad - fierce warriors fit for battle.

With faces like lions and swift as gazelles, they were heroic leaders, skilled with the shield and spear.  

Last night, prophet Penny Gibbs took us deeper into the anointing that they represent. 

As we prepare to enter a new year and prophetic season, Gad models for us the warfare footing we need to advance. 

The question remains: Will you ask for it? Make a demand for it? 

"What?!?! How does that work?  If God wants me to have it, He will simply give it to me, right?"  

Straight answer: No.  

James tells us, 'You don't have because you don't ask.'

Mary's demand on Jesus at the wedding was met with a curt reply: 'Woman. It's not time.'

Yet something shifted by her demand: She got what she asked for. 

Watch the replay - hear the word of the Lord. 

In this time of supernatural access, we each play an active role in getting ready for what is next.

Make the demand: Get ready.

Be fierce and fit for battle.


Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.


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