Occupy your full freedom: Dr. Bill Sudduth at The Flight Deck

Wow! We were packed to the rafters last night here at The Flight Deck and with good reason:
The Spirit is calling the followers of Jesus to occupy ALL the FREEDOM that He purchased for all His people.
There was an intense (and house-shaking) time of worship which set the stage.
Then we connected the dots as to why we think God arranged for Bill Sudduth to be here in this ministry and on this day. (Full replay)
We didn't 'cook' or create that schedule - God did.

(If you're pressed for time, skip straight to Bill's section by clicking here.)
Watch and hear his clear, no-nonsense demeanor, stories and message to shift any preconceived notions you might have about deliverance.
Grasp the core truth:
Deliverance is a key and normative part of the full restoration process to get you free and to keep you in peace.
Do not distain or dismiss this real, reasonable and reachable resource for your freedom and the freedom of others.
All too often we remain ignorant of the treasury that is our rightful inheritance in Jesus.
We fail to occupy the 'land' that is promised. ​

Time to cash in on the greater freedom set before you; on the banquet table that He has set in the midst of your enemies.
Time to occupy the 'land' that is your heart and mind and life.
For more information and resources from Dr. Bill Sudduth, go to www.RamMinistry.Org
Full replay of the teaching from the Deck, click here.
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