Breakthrough at Day Break: What's Holding You Back?

We know well the story of Jacob wrestling with The Angel in Genesis.
What we miss is all that shifted and changed at daybreak.

The blessing activated the promise
His walk was altered.
His name/identity were changed.
He finished the wrestling so he could walk into the promise.
He entered a new season.

THAT is where we are... now!
Last night Penny Gibbs took us into a series of words and revelations that the Lord gave about this new season.

You'll want to watch the repay to get the details but the bottom line question is this:
What is blocking your new spiritual season? What's holding you back?
The Lord has sent the latter rain, He has matured the harvest and set it in place.
It remains for us to receive, enter, and walk it out.
We are, indeed, in a new season.
We have reached daybreak.
Step into and through the breakthrough before you.
Replay of this Deck word is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook..