Choose & Keep On Choosing JOY!

Welcome to Tabernacles (Sukkot), the Feast of the Lord to celebrate His Goodness!
God does not invite us into this but COMMANDS us to rejoice and party FOR SEVEN DAYS.

To remember all His benefits, to feast on good food and drink as an act of worship to rightly honor Who He is and how He is faithful.
The fact of the matter is that we must obey this command in order to restore and recalibrate ourselves in JOY.

For contrary to popular notion, (even in the church,) joy is not a feeling or emotional state that happens to us.
It is a decision, a discipline, and a duty that we walk in with focus and intention.

Last night at The Deck, we took a deep dive into the biblical basis of joy and did so with a whole lot of laughter.
It is so important to strip away the presumptions about joy and understand how it works and the testimony it establishes.

Why is that important right now?
In these overly emotional times, your joy as a believer is violently countercultural for it is NOT contingent on any circumstance around you or this nation.
Rather, joy is your strength, a stronghold, and weapon; a perspective of time and things anchored in Relationship, Identity, and Reality.
Watch the replay and let the Spirit reorient your mind and heart and restore the true joy of the Lord.
Then celebrate Tabernacles with gusto for seven days to relearn how to choose and keep on choosing joy.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.