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Don't Fight It: Align In His New Beginning Process

It is remarkable how God sets links to our time in His Word so we know how to align with His agenda.

Yet, when He moves us into a new beginning process we often go kicking and screaming - even though part of us desperately wants that change.

Last night at The Deck, we dug into the Word linked to this 8th month and tribe of Manasseh but focused primarily on Gideon's early process.

That revelation is critical so we understand about God's new beginnings lest we become discouraged or impatient with the journey.

Here's a partial list from last night.

  • Breathe: The process will typically take longer and be messier than you’d want

  • Acknowledge: He SITS with His STAFF to rule and reign over YOUR situation

  • Agree: To what needs be cut off and let it go

  • Resolve: You will adapt to the 'instability' of this process

  • Align: With what God declares about you, your situation, etc.

  • Be free: To voice your concerns but don’t wait for an answer

  • Ask: Confirm your next step

  • Identify & Tear Down: Generational altars

  • Build: Your new altar and worship

  • Allow: The new to help you forget old pain

  • Remember: He HAS sent you and He IS with you.

Do please plan to watch the replay to help you through all that is moving in and around you.

Why bother? Because most of us are in a new beginning process right now - knowingly or not.

The narrative of Gideon demonstrates how God will speak into an identity and then grow him/her up into the role.

It's not fast. It's not easy. And Gid is so very much like us.

Arise and align into the fulness of your identity by His new beginning process.


Replay of this Deck teaching on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.


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