Got Giants? What You Wear Is How You Fight.

If you don't think you have any giants to face, then you're not trying to secure a covenantal promise. They go with the territory.
But if you're clear on what's in the way, then it's critical to do an 'armor check.'
Last night we looked at the armor options given to David - what he rejected and what he walked in.

Each armor reflected the persona of the man who offered them and the underlying premise of what they wore and why they did so.
Saul's armor was like him: Practical but fear-based, wanting safety, and often deploying religious activity to try and leverage the favor of God.

Jonathan's was relational and love-based, and he was willing to risk the faithfulness of Yahweh.
David refused Saul's armor but received Jon's. Only David was more overtly covenantal by his repeated declarations WHOSE enemy and battle it really was.
He rehearsed and declared his personal story of God's faithfulness, prophesied the victory, and ran flat out toward the enemy.

How comfortable are you in the armor you've wearing and how intentional are you in setting it in place on a daily basis?
I shared part of what I pray when I armor up with the Belt of Truth. These are specific declarations and they align me powerfully with Who He Is and who I am. (See text at bottom.)
This is NOT religious but relational - my conversation enjoying His Presence.

It was also our great honor to welcome back Pastor Bonface Simani from Kenya.
He gave a brief update on the critical work God is doing to save vulnerable children and bring hope in the face of great poverty and darkness.
Bonface carries the deep Heart of the Father and it's heard as soon as he opens his mouth. (You'll want to experience that.)
Watch the replay.
You have giants to face and a choice of what armor you wear.
Be deliberate: Choose well on a daily basis.
For what you wear is how you fight!
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.
For more about the Kingdom work in Kenya overseen by Pastor Simani, see his Facebook page.
If you would like to contribute to that work, you can contact/contribute via the non-profit Twenty 8 / Twenty 7 via this link.
More information on that organization is their Facebook page.
"I put on the Belt of Truth.
The Truth that it is all about you and not about me.
You are the Beginning & End of this story & all up & in this messy middle.
You are all up and in my business because my life is not my own.
I was bought with a price. I am crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me.
And by that Cross, I am dead to the world, all its temptations, distractions, delusions, and timelines.
And any way those perc up and through the Body.
And all those things are dead to me.
"And the Belt of Truth that I am your true son.
I am blood bought because You chose me.
You not only love me, You enjoy me for who I am, even in all of my faults and failings.
We enjoy each other’s company and will do so increasingly forever for I am Your inheritance, and You are mine.
Because I am fearfully and wonderfully made in Your Image.
You have set a fragment of Your Glory in me that is unique in all the earth and unique in all of time.
That Glory is being revealed more and more as I walk with You.
For You are for me and not against me.
And you have formed me into a man of God and a man after Your own Heart;
You have also formed me as…