Hear the Sound: Break Off Trauma!

Today is Yom Teruah on the biblical calendar and it has a simple command: Be still and hear the sound - teruah (of the shofar.)
It's a wake up call and the first of the Ten Days of Awe leading to Yom Kippur (Atonement) when the high priest would dare go behind the Veil.

Today is also the beginning of the new year 5785 and when God has us begin something new, He always wants us to end something well.
Last night at The Deck, we had a specific directive to hear the sound and allow it to break off the trauma of last year and press it out.

Admit it: This last year was traumatic.
Here in south Georgia, it looks like a war zone with ripped up roads, houses, and no electricity a full week after Helene.

But God... provided a generator and open way and so last night we felt COMPELLED to gather in fierce worship.
It was amazing, absolutely necessary, and restorative.

But the Lord also cautioned us that while this past year has built resilience, it has also brought resentment.
We must all do inventory in these Days of Awe: How's our heart after all that's happened?
For instance: The dozens of massive trees (40' high plus) that fell and closed our road came down for one of two reasons:
1. The roots were not broad enough so trees simply blew over, roots and all. Or,
2. The roots were fine but the tree was not flexible and so broke, shattered, and fell.
Hmmm... How are our roots and can we flex? (Resilience - not resentment.)
And so today, on this first day of the new year, hear the sound He releases and allow it to imprint and displace the trauma.
For I also heard Him say, "My Sound must penetrate down to the subatomic level so that every part of you is resonating with Me.”
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
The generator overloaded/tripped between worship and teaching. But we simply rebooted. Hah!