How True is 'Your' Truth?

There is a caustic clash of ominous proportions raging like wildfire.
Yet it has become so ubiquitous that we now mistake it for nothing more than background noise.

It's really nothing new, just a rework of Pilate's sardonic proposition, 'What IS truth?'
But before we think it's simply a dynamic 'out there,' we need to examine where our subjective sense of truth has colored and distorted what really stands.

Last night, our own Jeanne Webb brought the issue front and center in her unique mix of wit and wisdom, heart and humor.
Liking it to 'building a house upon the sand,' our presumptions about what is true and the danger of self-deception require that we stop and take stock.

She's right: As the world culture continues to assail Truth, we must first check our own foundations.
But this is not burdensome: Jesus promised that the Truth you know WILL set you free.
Watch the replay. Take a breath.
Go to Him. See where He reveals the cracks. Repent and realign.
The more 'your' truth is The Truth, the more free you will be.
Replay of this Deck teaching on YouTube.
Replay of this entire Flight Deck on Facebook.