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Let Him OUT!

It ticks me off how we believe the lies of the enemy about who we are, what is ours, and what we carry.  

One reason those attacks are so personal and persistent is that he's scared that we'll move into our full identity and all our resources. 

The fact of the matter is that the Holy Spirit abides in you in the same quantity and quality as He does in Jesus. 

There is no Spirit-lite.  No partial Spirit. No mini-Spirit.  He IS.  

He dwells in and manifests His Presence and His Power in, around, and through us.  

The question is never how much of Him we have, but rather how much of us He is given.  

ALL the fruits of the Spirit are to be displayed: ALL the gifts of the Spirit can be manifest through us - IF we surrender it all to Him. 

Much of the church focuses on just one side (fruit) or the other (gifts) of this two-sided Kingdom coin that is our right and inheritance.  

In the movie, Captain Marvel, the heroine has a life-altering event where she was infused with awesome power, but it results in amnesia. 

Since she doesn't know who she is or what is in her, she is befriended, lied to, and trained to serve her enemy. 

Why? He is deadly afraid that she will learn who she is and just how much power resides in her. 

WE have all had that life-altering power given into us.   

Yet the lies have been so persuasive that spiritual amnesia has set in.  

Watch the replay and break it off!

ALL the Power, ALL the Fruit, and ALL the Gifts are resident in the Holy Spirit. 

And HE is fully resident in you.  

The great news is that He is not something you need to 'work up.'  

Just give Him full access and LET HIM OUT!



Replay of this Deck word is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.


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