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Mission Briefing for the Year Ahead

Bit of a firehose last night: A look into the next Hebraic/biblical year, 5782, that begins sundown on Monday.

Key prophetic triggers are linked to the Hebrew letter BET,בּ.

So we attend to those just like Habakkuk said, "I will watch and see what the Lord will say."

Typically in this follow through, I try to summarize the teaching or highlight a point or two. Not possible this week.

In this coming year, many great things will move and be created, built and blessed.

But the battlelines will be fierce.

We need to know the basis upon which we stand and fight and how to align with what God is doing.

The slides I've attached will get to some summary points but you'll want to watch the replay to get the greater detail.

Per the carrier model God gave us, we seek to brief you on the mission and conditions into which you'll be 'flying and fighting' this year.

Exposed and dangerous is the pilot who knows not the conditions of the weather and warfare into which they are tasked.

Get the briefing. Be prepared.

God's engaged.

And we're with Him.


Replay of this teaching on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.


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