Occupy Your Seat
Which of these two is prepared to go to a higher altitude?
Obviously, the one who is rightly geared for the atmospheric change.
Are you prepared to go higher? To occupy your seat?
Paul is unequivocal: God raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Eph 2)
So, why do so few believers know how to take their seats and war from that position?
Last night we connected the time-stamped dots of Zech 3 (Josh's new clothes and turban in the heavenlies) with the need for the right gear for our high seats.
God clarified this by a recent dream showing that our means of ascending and warfare was to be upgraded, but we must have the right kit for it.
This is critical for we are now in a narrow window of time to prepare for the warfare ahead and God is calling us up and into much more.
Specifically, we must learn to rightly occupy that which Christ has provided for us in the heavenly realm.
Not sure how to do so? You'll find very practical principles in the replay.
Then worship, seek His Face, and obey His specific directives about this.
Your seat is prepared. Your gear is provided. Your upgrades are ready.
Suit up so you can sit down because how you stand depends upon where you sit.
Replay of this Deck teaching on YouTube. (Teaching is 45min - then walk it out.)
Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.
PS: The replays of words by Kent Mattox and Isaac Pitre can be found on GZI TV at Glory of Zion. (You will need to activate a free 7 day trial to watch.)