Receive His Release of Latter Rain

Ask the Lord for rain - In the time of the latter rain. Zech 10
Latter rain is what crops need to come to maturity - to be fully ripened just in time for harvest.

Do you see where God is releasing that rain now - in your fields for your harvest?
It's time: He is restoring and resetting things to align with original intent.

This is His strategic move and all has been made ready.
He ha planted His flag of victory and given us authority in heaven and on earth.

On Wednesday afternoon we sent out the PING with the teaser title of Penny Gibbs' prophetic word: Ride the New: The Reward of the Latter Rain.
Later that night Valdosta received 12 inches of rain!
God put an exclamation point on this word so we pay attention.
Q: Where are the seeds you've sown? Seeds of prayer, time, work, relationships, and giving?
What seeds have you forgotten, or thought they were lost and you gave up hope for them to grow?
He has not forgotten nor abandoned them.
The Lord has released the latter rain so that those can come to maturity for harvest.
Receive HIs release and prepare to step into harvest.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
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