Step Into This Powerful 'Portal' Month

This 7th biblical month we're entering is like a powerful portal to step into.
God has linked events, transactions, and promises to take us into deeper intimacy with Him and encounter greater glory.

The Glory on Moses' face, the Glory that fell on the Temple, the Glory of entering into the Holy of Holies - all these and more are connected to this month.
So what? Pull out your calendar.

God has set a process in place to walk us into greater intimacy with Him.
But do you really want that? (Be brutally honest with yourself on this.)
Much of the Body would rather stay in the safety of an outer courtyard than risk the reward of His full Presence behind the veil.

What about you?
Don't miss this opportunity in His timeline for these divine encounters.
Watch the replay: Plan accordingly.
There is access to stunning glory.
Go ahead: Step into the portal.
Replay of this teaching on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck on Facebook.