Strength Rising from Sorrow's Soil

Biblically, this 9th month called Kislev has a whole lot of clashing, contrasts, and confrontations going on.
One case in point: It's when Jesus runs the gantlet of a colonnade ambush that starts with words and ends with stones. (John 10)

The tribe of Benjamin fits this dynamic as they consistently clash and confront, as fierce and protective warriors and leaders.
But to understand their spiritual DNA we must go back to their origin story - to the loss and sorrow then to the strength that came from it.

Not sure, as a kid, how Ben dealt with the fact that his mom died giving birth to him.
Pretty confident that 10 of his 11 brothers reminded him (at just the right moments) that she named him 'son of my sorrow.'

Yet Jacob had the wisdom, in the midst of his own grief, to rename him, 'son of my strength,' and his son's wild blend extended from there.
For it was through Ben's bloodline that the nation was saved by Mordecai and Esther; that which gave us the intensity of Paul and the bulk of our New Testament.

As I was preparing to teach this, I heard the Lord say, 'Little do you know how past loss and sorrow become the rich soil for my new work.'
And later, "You fail to understand the power of great loss as the birthplace of what is greater."
What about us?
Have we allowed God to speak into the past moments of trauma, loss, and sorrow and speak in a new name and release a strength that can only arise from that soil?
Will we partner with Him in any current or future sorrows so that they are fully transformed into strength?
The Body NEEDS more of the fierce faith and passionate protection of Ben's bloodline here and now.
Determine to have strength rise from your sorrow's soil.
Holy Spirit will guide you.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.