The Blood: God's Power Grid Interface

Your choice is simple: Plug into God's Grid or move forward on self-generated power.
That choice sounds obvious, but the fact remains that few fully flow in His Power because they do not comprehend ALL the functions of the Blood.

Most believers understand The Blood for salvation, but miss the necessity to be big time 'bloody' to maintain the connection and the full flow of power.
No wonder the enemy has fought to separate the church from honoring the Day of Atonement. (Yom Kippur.)

The mandated protocol to navigate the perilous path through the Veil and into the Presence, assured that Israel was intimately aware that The Holy God must be honored as such.
That the fear of the Lord is required for those already saved in order to stay in a vibrant relationship with Him.

The Blood expressed in Passover/The Crucifixion frees us from our sin nature, the hand of the enemy, and brings us into the relationship with Father.
But it is The Blood demonstrated in the Day of Atonement that shows we need it as our ever present and ongoing 'user interface' with The King.

Tomorrow is Yom Kippur, and it invites you to come behind the Veil and into dangerous and delightful intimacy with Him.
The high price for your access was paid; your interface - secured.
Enter in afresh and boldly by The Blood.
It is God's Power Grid interface.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.