The Holy Ground of The Messy Middle

Courtesy psycho sibling rivalry, Joseph takes a 13-year journey through the messy middle.
With the betrayal of Judas, the 11 endure the forge-fire of a 3-day trip in the messy middle.

Messy middles are typically chaotic, confusing, disorienting, and disheartening.
But they are also God's way of taking us from order to disorder to reorder: They are, effectively, holy ground.

God uses these to break us, re-form us, re-position, and strengthen us.
They are part and parcel of every believer’s path: we can't avoid them, but we can resist the process and 'push against the goad.'

Bishop Garington recently stated, 'Your comprehension is not a prerequisite for your participation.'
We don't have to understand the process but we will go through it, so we are wise to celebrate it rather than desecrate it.

We are now in the 11th biblical month that connects 10 (order/judgment) to 12 (divine order/governmental rule.)
11 shows up in Joe's journey (11 brothers remained,) and in the 11 disciples' process post Judah's departure.
As hard as it was to deal with the chaos of those messy middles, they were moved into promotions, increased authority, and a much deeper level of faith.
Why not us?
Watch the replay. Prayerfully consider the messy middles you've endured or are in right now.
Consider how that's at work in our nation, right now.
Honor the Holy Ground of the messy middle; embrace and celebrate His process.
Time limited? Short podcast summarizing this word. (Will also post on Spotify and YouTube shortly)
Replay of this Deck Word is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.