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Walking Your Bridge This Month

God designed this second biblical month as a bridge to transition and prepare us: From what was to what's next.  

Israel had to move from the breakout of Passover in Egypt to the belonging of Shavuot at Mt. Sinai; The disciples from the jolt of the Resurrection to the juice of Pentecost.

Along this transition He will test, teach, and train us so we are ready to receive the next explosive blessing.

Revealing Himself in ways we may know but need reminding: "I AM the Lord Who heals you."

And, 'I AM your Banner, Strong Tower and Defender.' 

As with the fight with the Amalekites, He reaffirms that it takes a two-prong approach - deploying the best of both spiritual and natural resources.

In addition to all of this, He overlays this month with the imperative anointing of the tribe of Issachar.   

The 'torah tribe' who went deep into the Word and then watched carefully for signs so they could discern the times and know what to do. 

We NEED that anointing, not only to gain the fulness of this month, but to redeem these times that now move at the speed of light.  

Much, much more on the replay to help you grab ALL the revelation and grace He's releasing. 

Watch and then walk your Connector Bridge this month to prepare for the Glory that's coming.


Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.

Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.


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