Your Heart Is Hunted

The Hound of Heaven is hunting your heart.
He's in your field, His eyes locked, tracking your scent, following your movements, and waiting for you to turn around and embrace His breath.

This is the biblical month of Elul, whose letters form an acronym for the verse, I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine. (Song of Songs 6:3)
He takes that kind of deep intimacy as His divine right to you.

And so, the King is calling and breathing on the hardened parts of our hearts - those brittle places, weary and worn from battle.
This is a month of preparation to move us into the new year, the new prophetic season, and the powerful transactions anchored in the fall feasts.

The question must arise: Why now? Why this kind of focus at this time?
Simply stated: The warfare before us is unprecedented.

We dare not engage the fight with less than whole hearts; with less than our first love.
Watch the replay.
Hear the Word God ties to this month and allow the Spirit to connect the dots.
The King is hunting your heart and He will set it ON FIRE!.
Replay of this Deck teaching is on YouTube.
Replay of the entire Flight Deck is on Facebook.