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Sync Up or sink down. Time to stop being un-Hinged!

I'm in a quandary.

I'm committed to getting you high value revelation that can help you move forward into ALL the purposes of God for your life. That's where you converge into full joy and satisfaction.

My quandary is YOUR TIME. You don't have enough of it to do all the things that are pulling at you.

I HAVE TO GET MORE SUCCINCT and TO THE POINT. on the 3 minute teaching 'summary' here to give you the gist of what was covered last night. I'm only going to write a couple of things here.

This 2nd month functions as the critical hinge to advance into more.

It's position perfectly for this and appropriately linked with the Tribe of Issachar.

The FULL teaching is just 35 minutes long - that's very short, for me.

You'll hear...

  • How you have glory DNA and we need it uncovered.

  • How all the promises of God are like a store but you have to know what to access when.

  • Why Issachar is necessary to connect the freedom to the fullness.

  • Why Deborah is a 'hinge' person.

  • Why there is military time and cruise ship time and we have to be on the former in this season.

We're in a time when we have to SYNC UP or Sink down.

It is said that, 'Your time is your life.' But being in His TIME works His Life in you.

Be encouraged, connected and HINGED! Sync up.


Full teaching link here.

Drop Box link here. (Audio and slides only)

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