Ship happens
Last night there was a bit of a mutiny....that's not a bad thing.
Our localized 'fighter pilots' and 'crew' on this carrier wanted to celebrate the recent promotion that God set in place on me - for all of us. So that was the theme for the night.
They brought food, words, blessings, laughter, encouragement and....cake. Thank you all, for all of that!
They did let me loose part of a word last night:
Ship happens.
You're all on some kind of ship each week. Question is simply - What kind is it?
If you're on board then it's aligning you for your future - setting you in place for what's next.
For better or worse...
One rather prevalent model of 'church' is very appealing and even impressive. The cruise ship:
There's tremendous focus on comfort and stability and keeping you safe.
Lots of programs - lots of activity.
The goal is that you have a pleasurable experience and are entertained.
Ultimately, folks pay and then relax so the professionals can do the work.
Personally, I love to go on a cruise. It's a nice break.
But I can't live there.
Living there has become dangerous
I don't wish the attack on that model. But it's been loosed and will increase. (We need to be watching for floating survivors.)
God gave us a different model: To get you what you need for your part in your fight and for your part in the joy and the glory.
It's premised that we're all in a war - not in peace time.
That leadership is not here to do the work for you but to get you what you need so you can do the work that God has set in your heart.
That it's not about us. It's not even about this model: It's about Christ in you, your hope of glory. For if you walk in that, then Kingdom will break open around you and freedom and life burst open for others.
So....this isn't built for comfort but for challenge and even confrontation.*
We want you to be engaged:
In the conversation - because we don't know all the answers and God also speaks directly to you.
In community - because we have to work together and not alone.
In your contribution to the culture - because your life absolutely MATTERS as one who impacts the world.
So as leaders - we won't fight for control or titles: We fight for your freedom so that you can free others.
Buckle up: You will see more shifts happening here. God has released new authority so that all of you who choose to align here can increase in your gifting and impact.
He's enlarged the territory: We're to strengthen the stakes.
Please keep us also in prayer as we do you. A wise friend and ally passed this alert along late last night: New levels - new devils.
We're in this together. The victories are then sweeter and any defeats are softened, instructive and advance us all forward.
Once more into the breach.
PS: Sorry no vid replay this week. Hard drive on my laptop blew up yesterday morning and is on a medevac to Texas for 'open drive surgery.' 4 weeks of work are toast - New levels - new devils. We press on knowing that our God causes 'all things to work together for good.'
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* See Why Men Hate Going to Church by Murrow.