Pew or Crew: How will YOU respond?

First: Just click and see this 1+ minute vid excerpt from last night to engage your mind and spirit.
When we hear what God is do we respond?

At The Deck, Gail and Debbie brought an amazing report from their recent assignment to Cuba - AND....
They also connected the dots to what's happening here and how we all connect to the move of God in Cuba and across the world.
Watch the short excerpt - Be candid as to your response: PEW or CREW?
Then watch the full replay and let God get you moving.
Once more I quote Wayne Gwilliam who released this at The Deck a couple weeks back:
'Man keeps praying for a move of God; God keeps praying that man will move.'
1+ minute excerpt, here.
Full replay, here.
See more about Debbie's new ministry Restoration and Freedom Ministries on their Facebook page, here.
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Click here,YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for the full list of Deck replays.