If 'decisions are made by those who show up'...?
Now what? God has set a 'Samson' in office: Dramatic confrontations and situations to follow.
Some things will generate hope, some fear, and some, just confusion.
It's what a 'Samson' triggers.
'He did what?!'
The ways of the Lord may be a constant surprise to me but they're all demonstrated in His word.
Some shifts come and you'll say, 'Well, praise God!'
Others you'll gasp, 'What the heck is going on?'
Granted, YOU would not do it that way...YOU would not have said this...done that.
But then YOU were not appointed to that position.
YOU have your own assignment for this time.
In your assignment, your question during this 'Change of Command' is whether you'll obey the 'command to change.'
Stay stuck or move forward? Remain 'old' or be made new?
Assume you see well enough (thank you very much,) or ask for renewed vision to see what's really going on?
We therefore choose if we are:
Passive spectators (fans in the stands, victims or critics,) or
Active partners in the Plan and Agenda of The King?
It has been said that 'decisions are made by those who show up.'
God says FIRST show up this way:
‘IF MY people who are called by MY NAME will…’
It's His command to change for the healing that is needed in this land.
It will not come to pass if we don't 'show up' as we should.
Watch the replay and recalibrate: It will help you respond and not react to what's coming.
In a season of drastic and violent shifts – not all things will go as you would have planned or thought God would.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind: Get 'Kingdom aligned' on your vision so you can position yourself with the King. Stephen Full replay of The Deck, click here.
PS: Per the replay - From 7-8 AM over the next 100 days, Esther Tubbs will be hosting an hour each day of a 24/7 national prayer thrust for the first 100 days of the new admin.
You can join in by calling 712-770-4340 and enter code 543555# (The # sign is part of the code.) Press *6 to mute unless you want to share something that the Lord has given you. In that case you can again press *6 which opens the line up to you. Call or text Esther for more info at 229-224-8376.
Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available