Are you willing to live on the edge of YIKES!?

Got 3 minutes? Watch this quick vid with Bob Goff - Funny, true, KEY.
Saw it yesterday AM for the first time and it anchored the key point from the scripture linked to this month so I included it last night.
So if you don't have time for the full replay of The Deck at least watch the 3 minute vid and let it perk in your spirit.
These questions will nevertheless linger in you...
What holds us back from that edge and what drives us to it?
In this month when Israel made the decision NOT to enter the Promised Land, Numbers 13/14 give us details as to what derailed their decision and why they backed away from that edge.
Helpful and applicable for each of us right now.
But what should draw us to that edge? Why would you go there?
We settled in on the shocking story of a woman in the NT who went right to the edge.
What motivated her can motivate us.
Author John Eldredge says,
'Moments of immense consequence are taking place all around us.'
Don't miss yours. Where will your name be written as in Numbers 13?
There's LIFE on the edge; death in backing away.
Choose Life.
PS: Please remember to pray for Gail. We commissioned her last night for her assignment in Haiti. Intense place requiring great discernment.
Full replay of The Deck, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available.