Synchronize your 'watches' - see your Manasseh moment
The concept is simple: God sets time stamps in His word so that we know what to watch in each new biblical month.
We attend to those markers in scripture and then let Him connect the dots to what we see, hear, and experience.
We align in His time.
This 8th biblical month is linked to Joseph's first born son, Manasseh, (the 8th tribe.)
Manasseh means, 'causing to forget.'
It was the cry of Joseph's heart and his 'Manasseh moment' when suddenly he broke free from the years of anguish and betrayal. (Gen 41)
Connect those dots to your life right now: Watch for your Manasseh moment - a sign of His covenant and when you can hear Him say,
'It's time to forget what stood against you and remember who you were born to be.'
There are scenes from the movie Seabiscuit that help us understand the damage and new beginning for Joseph, Gideon and Noah.
Just like Seabiscuit, we also have have been run around circles for so long that we forget what we were born to do.
We need a new beginning - we need a 'Manasseh moment.'
Will you learn how to BE again? Seabiscuit had to remember how to be a horse again.
What about you?
Can you find and run free on your path of His Glory?
It's that place where you manifest His UNIQUE glory - that which was set in you alone. It's what you were born to be.
If you don't release that, you diminish the revelation of His heart in the earth.
Jehovah Sneaky showed up again last night and took the mess of my presentation and shifted the room.
Maybe that same miracle will happen for you as you watch.
In a month when we synchronize our 'watches,' watch for your Manasseh moment.
(PS: We paid for licensing rights on the 2 clips from Seabiscuit that are in the replay. I'm hoping that it'll be fine with the YouTube standards. If there's an issue, I'll have to send links separately but right now it's as it should be.)
Replay of the last Deck, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available