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Wakes and whirlwinds - The lights go out but the way is revealed

"I just can't 'do church' anymore."

We're hearing this with increasing frequency from deeply serious followers of Jesus who are wondering what's wrong.

They're not rabble rousers or rebellious - they are simply longing for More.

A hunger they can no longer ignore.

The heart-driven need to encounter the tangible Presence of God and the Word Alive in a context of transparency, honor, and freedom.

They're trying to find a place to land, but the ocean seems vast and dark...and they're running out of gas.

In the movie Apollo 13: Jim Lovell describes this feeling as he was desperately trying to find his carrier at night with no lights on the ship, the homing beacon offline and running out of fuel.

And then the lights in his cockpit went out!

But God...

...provides a pathway home - One that only became visible because all the normal lights were off.

(Movie clip is in the first 7 min of replay.)

The Elijah/Elisha transition in 2 Kings 2 show us another example when the 'normal way' of operating must be swept away.

Do note how God SO honors the last model of Elijah by taking him directly up into heaven.

But Elisha MUST be separated from the old model first before the double anointing is released. He must see clearly that the old way has been taken away.

The lights must go out in 'his cockpit' so he can move in a new way and receive what he needs.

Matt and Judy Pfaltzgraf from One Life in Newnan, Georgia shared last night on how they are walking this out now.

God has used them powerfully in forming a new model but they know that there is yet more to follow.

The whirlwind and fire that transitioned the season from Elijah to Elisha has been loosed in One Life!

In Part 2 of The Deck replay you will see and hear how the hunger for more is shifting an already powerful ministry into even More.​

You'll love their hearts, passion, and transparency and you'll want to get to know them better.

God is stirring this same hunger in many places.

But what about YOU?

What good, but old thing, does God need to separate out so you can get the double portion that you need?

What whirlwind will God manifest and are you ready to release what WAS good and watch it go?

There is MORE - but only if you'll be open to how that transitions IN YOU and around you.


Replay of The Deck, click here. (Part 1 - Stephen teaching on Wakes/Whirlpools)

Part 2 featuring Matt and Judy Pfaltzgraf, click here.

For more on the work and ministry of One Life and how to contact Matt and Judy, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available

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