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What power are you tapping for change in 2018?

​There's a whole lot of crazy going on around the world to celebrate the new year.

We looked at some of these interesting customs - including our own.

What we miss, if we dismiss them too quickly, is that they point us to a great hunger in the world:

  • The need to tap into something that is supernatural - beyond one's own strength and ability.

  • The need to close off the past and to have a new, fresh start.

  • There is a time to examine how I need to change and resolve to do something about it.

These 'longings' can be God drawing people to Himself.

For only in Him can we tap into the right kind of supernatural power for a genuine fresh start and the changes we long to see.

But there's a huge challenge with our perception: We must be anchored by His word as the looking glass into which we peer. ​

Watch the replay. Be AMAZED at how skewed your self-perception can be. (Do you really know how fast you are moving while sitting still?)

Laugh at the craziness of traditions and superstitions...particularly our own.

But then let the Spirit show you how to connect resolution and repentance with His perspective so that this year is not simply a repeat of last.

​There's much more for all of us this year waiting...waiting...waiting.


Because He is still standing at the door of those gathered in His name.

He knocks and then waits...and waits...and waits.


PS: Prayer conference call SUNDAY at 5 to 5:30. Connect with Freedom Outpost allies across various states and nations to agree in prayer for what is next. Details and reminder to follow this weekend.

Full replay, click here. Go to the YouTube Channel for The Freedom Outpost for all Deck replays and to subscribe to updates/new videos as they are available.

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